Women in Trades and Technology (WITT)

SAIT’s WITT committee works to encourage, promote and retain gender diversity and inclusion in the trade and technology industries and provide individuals with the tools and opportunities they need to meet their goals.

In 2015, WITT was formed by three SAIT School of Construction instructors to support women entering less-traditional career paths.

Today, it comprises over 100 industry professionals and SAIT community members who are committed inclusion champions.

WITT works with students, faculty and industry partners to create resources and opportunities for one another.

Mentorship program

The WITT mentorship programs build meaningful relationships that help mentees grow and develop as professionals and allow mentors to share their experiences while supporting a mentee’s goals.

WITT’s mentorship programs are a great way to further equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) initiatives and your personal and company EDI journey. We have two mentorship programs:

  1. The individual mentorship program starts in the spring of each year and runs for 12 weeks.
  2. The group mentorship program starts in November of each year and runs for six weeks.