Raising Spirits

Raising Spirits is a fundraiser that supports the Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation to fund mental

health initiatives and programs at the hospital. We have grown exponentially since inception in 2017

and to date have raised over $250,000. In 2019, we held a 150-person event and raised over $70K.

The proceeds were directed to the construction of a Child & Adolescent mental health center in

Calgary. In 2020 we went virtual with COVID and raised $43K that went towards a program called

Acute at Home. In 2021, with the ongoing uncertainty around hosting events we postponed; this was

a hard decision, but we gave it our all to gain momentum back for September 2022. Truthfully, it got

off to a slow start, but we ended up having our biggest year in attendees and dollars raised. We had

over 200 people attend, presented a cheque to the hospital for $102K and were able to support not

one but two mental health related programs: Acute at Home and Emerging Adults! This was a great

achievement as 2022 also marked the Hospital turning 100 years old!