North Water

Canadian purity.

Canada’s purest and most revitalizing glacial water from secluded Rocky Mountain springs. North Water is naturally high in alkalinity and healthful minerals flowing from our bountiful earth. The result; naturally occurring, uncompromised purity - a luxury that’s yours to sip.

Our mission.

We at North Water aim to inspire healthier communities and a healthier planet and doing some honest good. North Water not only nourishes the body with a high alkaline spring water, but also helps the planet by using an infinitely recyclable aluminum bottle. At North Water we believe we are the change.

Made with intention.

Plastic has passed its prime. It’s no secret - our health, vitality and planet are being tarnished by these toxins, calling us to rethink how we consume. It’s why we created a bottle as intentional as the water it holds. Left untouched for centuries, North Water is bottled in aluminum, an infinitely recyclable material. Each vessel is crafted for 100% recyclability and harm-free hydration that you can revel in carrying.